Focus: Passing Drill
Number of Players: 6+
Age: +U8
Level: Easy
- Arrange five cones to form a diamond shape, following the setup image.
- Position one player at each of the outer cones and two players at the middle cone.
- Position any additional players behind the players at the outer cones.
- Place two balls at the outer cones nearest to the middle.
- Adjust the distance between players based on their age and skill level.
Why Use This Drill?
The Diamond Shape Passing Drill provides a simple and effective introduction for new or beginner players to grasp the fundamentals of passing, first touch, movement, and dribbling. It’s an excellent way to ease players into passing drills, making it ideal for the beginning of a training session following warm-up activities.
How It Works
1. Variation
The starting players pass the ball to the two middle players. The middle players then turn and pass the ball to the other two players. These players take a first touch around the cone and dribble to the next cone.
All players rotate positions after passing.
2. Variation
The starting players pass the ball to the two middle players. The middle players then turn and pass the ball to the other two players. The dribbling player initiates the run just before receiving the ball and dribbles to the next cone.
All players rotate positions after passing.
3. Variation
The starting players execute a one-two passing combination with the two middle players. The starting players then send a long ball out to the dribbling players, who initiate the run just before receiving the ball and dribbles to the next cone.
All players rotate positions after passing.
Other Key Points:
Encourage players to stay on their toes, maintaining a state of readiness to receive the ball and make plays.
- Important to change the direction of the ball, so both feet come into play.
Call out your teammate’s name when passing for better teamwork.
The drill should be seen as inspiration. So feel free to adapt the drill to suit your team’s specific needs or focus areas.