Overlap Passing Drill

Picture of Onside - Training

Onside - Training

Focus: Passing Drill

Number of Players: 6+

Age: +U8

Level: Easy


  • Create a rectangle with dimensions ranging from 5 to 10 meters in width and 10 to 15 meters in length, with a man-marker positioned in the middle.
  • Assign a player to each corner of the rectangle and have at least two additional players on the same side.
  • Adjust the distance between players based on their age and skill level.

Why Use This Drill? 

The overlap passing drill is a simple yet effective method for players to develop the skill of making well-timed movements with an overlap. The crucial element in this drill is timing, as a well-timed overlap contributes to a smooth flow in the game. Additionally, players enhance their passing and first-touch skills through this exercise.


How It Works

The starting player passes the ball to the player at the nearest cone. The receiving player then dribbles towards the center of the rectangle, while the starting player makes an overlap run behind the dribbling player.

Once the dribbling player reaches close to the central man-marker, the ball is played back to the starting player, who executes a short pass to the next player. The drill is then repeated from the opposite side with two new players.

A key element is that, when dribbling into the middle, players aim to get as close as possible to the free kick figure before making the pass.

Additional Variations: Players can choose to dribble around the man-marker figure in the middle before passing the ball to their teammate.


Other Key Points: 

  • Encourage players to stay on their toes, maintaining a state of readiness to receive the ball and make plays.

  • Important to change the direction of the ball, so both feet come into play.
  • Call out your teammate’s name when passing for better teamwork.

  • The drill should be seen as inspiration. So feel free to adapt the drill to suit your team’s specific needs or focus areas.