Third Man Passing Drill

Picture of Onside - Training

Onside - Training

Focus: Passing Drill

Number of Players: 6+

Age: +U13

Level: Medium


  • Create an “arrow” shape using 5 cones, keeping approximately 5 meters between each cone. 
  • Position four man-markers: two around the central cone and one on each wing, a short distance from the cones. 
  • Assign a player to each cone, and any additional players should line up behind the starting point.
  • Distance between players can vary depending on players age and level.

Why Use This Drill? 

This passing drill, inspired by Atletico Madrid under Diego Simeone, puts a spotlight on third-man runs and passing. It’s an excellent method for refining their skills in timing movements for real in-game scenarios, enhancing their overall understanding of the game.


How It Works

The drill kicks off with the starting player engaging in a one-two passing sequence with the central player. The ball is then swiftly sent out to the wing, where the winger has moved down the field.

The winger delivers a pass to the player positioned at the bottom. This bottom player executes a one-two passing combination with the central player, who has made a run down the pitch.

The player at the bottom then passes to the other winger. This winger navigates around the marker and sends the ball back to the starting point.

Every player rotates positions after each pass session. The success of the passing relies heavily on dynamic movement around the markers, ensuring a speedy and efficient flow.

Other Key Points: 

  • Encourage players to stay on their toes, maintaining a state of readiness to receive the ball and make plays.

  • Important to change the direction of the ball, so both feet come into play.
  • Call out your teammate’s name when passing for better teamwork.

  • The drill should be seen as inspiration. So feel free to adapt the drill to suit your team’s specific needs or focus areas.