Play Through The Lines | Possession Drill

Picture of Onside - Training

Onside - Training

Focus: Passing/ Possession Drill

Number of Players: +11

Age: +U13

Level: Medium


  • Create a rectangular playing area about 20 x 10 meters, and add two smaller rectangles, each around 1-2 meters wide, to represent defending lines inside the larger square. 
  • Pair up the players into twos, leaving one player unpaired in the middle of the square. 
  • Position two pairs as defenders inside the small rectangles and distribute the remaining pairs on each side of the square.
  • Adjust distances between cones based on the age and skill level of the players.

Why Use This Drill? 

The “Play Through The Lines Possession Drill” is an excellent way for players to practice passing through defensive lines, simulating in-game scenarios to enhance their understanding of possession play. Inspired by FC Barcelona’s training methods, this drill is employed by top teams worldwide and is particularly beneficial for developing players with strong passing skills.
The involvement of a free player in the middle emphasizes the importance of playing the third man to go through the defensive lines.
Additionally, it’s valuable for defenders, teaching them to move together, stay compact, and communicate effectively.


How It Works

The starting pair passes the ball to each other as they navigate to the opposite end of the square, aiming to pass through the two defending lines with the assistance of the free player in the middle. If successful, they pass the ball to the next pair, who repeats the process.
Emphasize that players cannot dribble through the defending zone; they must pass through it.
However, if the defenders intercept the ball or force it out of play, they switch positions with the pair who made the mistake, and a new round begins.
Defenders must stay compact and communicate to effectively close passing lanes. Rotate the free player in the middle every 3-5 minutes, adjusting based on the age and skill level of the players.


Other Key Points: 

  • Communication between the players, both for the possession and defending players.
  • Encourage players to stay on their toes, maintaining a state of readiness to receive the ball.
  • The drill should be seen as inspiration. So feel free to adapt the drill to suit your team’s specific needs or focus areas.