Square Passing Drill

Picture of Onside - Training

Onside - Training

Focus: Passing Drill

Number of Players: +5

Age: +U5

Level: Easy


  • Set up a square with 4 cones with the distance between them to suit the team’s preference, typically ranging from 5 to 15 meters. A larger square focus on long passing and fitness, while a smaller one promotes fast passing and combination play.
  • Ensure a minimum of 5 players, with the extra player positioned behind the starting player. If there are 6 or more players, distribute them around the 4 cones within the square.

Why Use This Drill? 

This square passing exercise is a fundamental square drill that every team should be familiar with. It’s not only employed by top teams worldwide but is also widely used by amateur teams. The drill stands out for its simplicity, making it easy to comprehend and incorporate into any training session. It serves as an excellent warm-up for the beginning of a training session, focusing on basic passes and small passing combinations. Additionally,  it trains players’ movement after making a pass.


How It Works

1. Variation:

Players pass the ball around the square, taking a directional first touch before passing. Keep moving to the next cone after each pass.


2. Variation:

Players do a one-two passing combination around the cone. Move to the next cone after each passing combination.


3. Variation:

Players make a diagonal pass through the square which creates a triangle passing shape. Move to the next cone after each passing combination.

Other Key Points: 

  • Encourage players to stay on their toes, maintaining a state of readiness to receive the ball and make plays.

  • Move slightly away from the cone before receiving a pass.

  • Call out your teammate’s name when passing for better teamwork.

  • The drill should be seen as inspiration. So feel free to adapt the drill to suit your team’s specific needs or focus areas.