Chelsea Warm-Up Passing Drill

Picture of Onside - Training

Onside - Training

Focus: Warm-Up/Passing Drill

Number of Players: 4+

Age: +U8

Level: Easy


  • Put 2 cones in a line and create a square using 4 cones in the middle. 
  • The distance from the cones to the square should be about 5-10 meters. 
  • The sides of the square should measure approximately 2-4 meters each. 
  • Have at least two players stationed at each of the two outer cones.

Why Use This Drill? 

This warm-up passing drill draws inspiration from Chelsea FC and serves as an excellent warm-up drill for your team for the start of a training session. It focuses on passing, dribbling, first-touch skills, and overall ball control, providing a comprehensive warm-up for the players.


How It Works

1. Variation
The players kick the ball with a long touch toward the middle square and then pass it to the player at the other cone.


2. Variation
The players dribble to the middle square and execute a 1-2 pass with the opposite player.


3. Variation
One player begins in the middle square, turns with the ball, and then makes a pass out to the outer cone.


Other Key Points: 

  • Encourage players to stay on their toes, maintaining a state of readiness to receive the ball and make plays.

  • Call out your teammate’s name when passing for better teamwork.

  • The drill should be seen as inspiration. So feel free to adapt the drill to suit your team’s specific needs or focus areas.