First Touch And Passing Warm-Up Drill–Yo Focus: Passing/ Warm-Up Drill Number of Players: +5 Age: +U8 Level: Easy Download Drill in PDF Setup: Place three cones in a line with a distance of about 10 meters between each cone. Position an additional cone at each end of the line, 1 meter apart from the adjacent cone. Create two squares, each […]
The Basic Rondos (1v4, 1v3, 2v4)
Focus: Passing/ Warm-Up Drill Number of Players: +5 Age: +U8 Level: Easy Download Drill in PDF Setup: Create a square with 4 cones, with sides ranging from 5 to 10 meters based on the number of players, and their age and skill level. Place 1 or 2 players as defenders in the middle. Position 3 […]
The Circle Rondo With 3 Variations
Focus: Passing/ Warm-Up Drill Number of Players: 8 Age: +U8 Level: Easy/Medium Download Drill in PDF Setup: Create a circle with at least 6 passing players. Adjust the circle’s size based on the number of players, maintaining a distance of approximately 1-2 meters between each player. Position 2 defenders in the center of the circle. […]
L Shape Warm-Up Passing Drill
Focus: Passing/ Warm-Up Drill Number of Players: 3+ Age: +U5 Level: Easy Download Drill in PDF Setup: Arrange three cones in an “L” shape with a distance of 5-10 meters between each cone. Assign one player to each cone. Adjust the distance between players based on their age and skill level. Why Use This Drill? […]
Warm-Up Shooting Drill
Focus: Warm-Up/Shooting Drill Number of Players: 4+ Age: +U5 Level: Easy Download Drill in PDF Setup: Place two cones on the field, with the first cone a few meters outside the box and the second cone about 10 meters from the first one. Assign one player to the first cone, and have the remaining players […]
2 Player Warm-Up Passing Drill
Focus: Warm-Up/Passing Drill Number of Players: 2+ Age: +U5 Level: Easy Download Drill in PDF Setup: Arrange two players in a line, maintaining a distance of about 10 to 15 meters between them. In front of the players, position two cones with a gap of 1 to 2 meters between them. Adjust the distance between […]
Circle Passing Warm-Up Passing Drill
Focus: Warm-Up/Passing Drill Number of Players: 6+ Age: +U8 Level: Easy Download Drill in PDF Setup: Setup a circle with cones equal to the number of players. The number of players involved in the drill can range from 6 to 14. If you have more than 10 players, it is advisable to form two smaller […]
Chelsea Warm-Up Passing Drill
Focus: Warm-Up/Passing Drill Number of Players: 4+ Age: +U8 Level: Easy Download Drill in PDF Setup: Put 2 cones in a line and create a square using 4 cones in the middle. The distance from the cones to the square should be about 5-10 meters. The sides of the square should measure approximately 2-4 meters […]
3 Player Passing Warm-Up
Focus: Warm-Up/Passing Drill Number of Players: 3+ Age: +U8 Level: Easy Download Drill in PDF Setup: Position two cones in a line with a spacing of 30-40 meters. Assign one player to each cone, and place the last player in the middle. Why Use This Drill? This warm-up passing drill is straightforward yet impactful. The […]