T-Cone Drill

Picture of Onside - Training

Onside - Training

Focus: Fitness Drill

Number of Players: 2+

Age: +U8

Level: Easy


  • Place four cones in a “T” shape with a distance of about 5 meters between each cone.
  • Position the players at the starting cone.
  • With over three players, create a new “T” cone.
  • Adjust the distance between cones based on their age and fitness level.

Why Use This Drill? 

The T-Cone Drill is a well-known fitness exercise in the sports world, offering an effective way to enhance players’ fitness and their ability to make quick turns around cones. This drill can be executed with or without the ball, providing players with an opportunity to improve their dribbling skills and make rapid turns while maintaining ball control.


How It Works

The player runs up to the first cone and back to the starting point.
Subsequently, the player runs around the middle cone, turns to one side, and moves out to the cone.
The player then retraces the same path around the middle cone and returns to the starting point, and the next player in line begins.

Perform around 4-8 repetitions for each player, adjusting based on the age and fitness levels of the players.

Other Key Points: 

  • When players turn around the cones, emphasize bending the knees, executing the turn as closely as possible to the cone.

  • The drill should be seen as inspiration. So feel free to adapt the drill to suit your team’s specific needs or focus areas.