Manchester United Passing & Finishing Drill (On Small Goals)

Picture of Onside - Training

Onside - Training

Focus: Passing/Shooting Drill

Number of Players: 6+

Age: +U13

Level: Medium


  • Arrange a single cone in a line with three man-markers. Maintain a distance of approximately 2 meters between the cone and every man-marker. 
  • At the end of the line, position a small goal about 10 meters away from the last man-marker. 
  • Have all players line up behind the starting cone.
  • Adjust the distance between cones and man-markers based on age and skill level.
  • Feel free to adjust the length of cones or distances based on your preferences.

Why Use This Drill? 

This drill, inspired by Manchester United, is an excellent addition to your training routine, focusing on passing, finishing, and fostering healthy competition among players. The competitive element challenges players to make accurate passes under pressure. When multiple teams are involved, it not only sharpens individual abilities but also builds team spirit, fostering a stronger bond among players.


How It Works

Both teams kick off simultaneously by passing to players stationed behind the markers. Subsequently, players engage in one-two passing sequences, navigating through the obstacles, and conclude the drill with a shot on goal.
Transform this into a friendly competition, perhaps aiming to be the first team to score 10 goals.
Feel free to experiment with various strategies to navigate through the obstacles.


Other Key Points: 

  • Encourage players to stay on their toes, maintaining a state of readiness to receive the ball and make plays.
  • The drill should be seen as inspiration. So feel free to adapt the drill to suit your team’s specific needs or focus areas.